Lecture Materials
"Sanctions - practical and tactical considerations in High Court Litigation"
Maya Lester KC and Paul Wright of Brick Court Chambers joined by Nikki Edwards of Howard Kennedy LLP
The recording of this presentation is now available here.
Members of the London Solicitors Litigation Association are eligible for a 15% discount on subscriptions to the leading online sanctions resource www.globalsanctions.com.
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Slides from our presentation Recent Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency Litigation opresented by Craig Orr KC of One Essex Court.
Recording of our June lecture, held at Hogan Hogan Lovells Internations LLP.
Genereative AI and litigation. With Mr Justice Robin Knowles, Katherine Apps of 39 Essex Chambers, Eimear McCann ans Stephen Dowling of TrialView.
The panel was led by Connal Patton KC of One Essex Court and joined by Mike Lynch, chair of litigation at Kelly Drye, Aurelie Patrelle of Bredin Prat and Jonathan Addo of Harneys.
Recording and slides of our 7 December lecture, "Insolvency and unwinding fraudulent transactions".
The panel was led by Paul Mitchell KC and Saaman Pourghadiri of 4 New Square and John Bramhall of DAC Beachcroft.
Recording of our 12 September lecture, "Litigation Funding: Where are we now?"
The panel was lead by Susan Dunn of Harbour Litigation Funding, Rob Williams KC of Monckton Chambers, Luke Streatfeild of Hausfeld LLP, and Nicholas Heaton of Hogan Lovells International LLP.
Recording of our 12 July lecture, "I lied but you were not deceived: knowledge and awareness in fraud and misrepresentation" presented by Sebastian Isaac KC of One Essex Court.
Slides and recording from the LSLA panel discussion chaired by Mark Phillips KC and Edoardo Lupi of South Square
Recording from the panel discussion Chaired by Lord Wolfson KC of One Essex Court with Mona Vaswani of Milbank and Alison Wilson of Linklater representing London and Jacques Bouyssou of Alerion Avocats (Paris) and Frans Overkleeft of NautaDutilh (Amsterdam) representing the European challengers.
Webinar recording of the lecture with Catrin Evans KC, Hugh Tomlinson KC and Ian Helme of Matrix Chambers.
Watch seminar here
Slides from the lecture with Brian Kennelly QC and Jason Pobjoy of Blackstone Chambers
Adrian Beltrami QC, Jonathan Nash QC and Peter de Verneuil Smith QC of 3 Verulam Buildings Watch the webinar on the following link: https://vimeo.com/517234119 Password: LQB316
Slide handout from the webinar with Marie Demetriou QC and Gerard Rothschild, Brick Court Chambers
Slide handouts from Andrew Thompson QC's 21 April 2020 lecture on Joint Venture Disputes - The Corporate Perspective
Slide handout from Philippa Hopkins QC and Helen Morton's 12 March 2020 lecture on Conflict and confidentiality: disclosure following Bank Mellat
Slide handout from Edmund Nourse QC's 11 February 2020 lecture on A simplistic guide to attribution in companies.
Slide handout from David Quest QC and Ian Wilson QCs 26 November 2019 lecture on Good faith - how good do commercial parties have to be?
Good faith – how good do commercial parties have to be? slides.pptx
Slides from the lecture on 5 September 2019 The copyright remains with Neil Hext QC and Tom Shepherd, 4 New Square
Slides from the lecture presentation given by Paul Lowenstein QC, Twenty Essex on 9 July 2019. These slides are for reference only and copyright remains with Paul Lowenstein QC
Powerpoint Presentation provided by Daniel Lightman QC
PP Presentation LSLA Daniel Lightman talk slides 20190620 FINAl.pptx
Slides from the lecture on 13 February 2019 given by Sonia Tolaney QC
Recent Developments in Banking Law and Practice Sonia Tolaney QC.pdf
Slides from the lecture on 24 January 2019
Slides from the lecture given by Patrick Lawrence QC and Paul Fisher, 4 New Square on 13 November 2018
Powerpoint presentation from the LSLA lecture on 12 Decmeber 2017
Slides from the LSLA lecture held on 15 June 2017 and presented by Bankim Thanki QC and Colin Passmore
Privilege Slides, LSLA lecture on 15 June (36539862_1) (1) (2).pptx
LSLA lecture notes from Richard Lissack QC's lecture on 24 January 2017
Slides from the talk given by Sonia Tolaney QC on 28th November 2016
Recent Developments in Banking Law Talk for the LSLA (1).pdf
Seminar slides
Powerpoint presentation from the seminar held on 6 July 2016
Powerpoint presentation from the seminar on 21 June 2016